As a society we have the best labels for parents. Tiger moms, helicopter dads and lawn mower parents are just some of the garden varieties outs there. But, when it comes to describing managers we only have good and bad. As a mom to a 3-year old and a manager for over 10 years, I belief our workplace can benefit greatly if we start labeling managers just like we label … [Read more...]
How to Implement Date & Time Picker in Django without Javascript
Date picker and time picker are a must when you are developing a professional Django application. Using it has 2 main advantages: Guarantees that the user will enter the data in the correct format Easy to user interface Date Picker is usually implemented with Javascript in Django, but HTML5 actually comes with a date picker element that can be implemented … [Read more...]
The No. 1 Reason To File Your Own T2 & How To Do It
Against 99% of the business advice I have ever received, I filed my own T2 business tax return last week. It was mailed to the PEI CRA Tax Center in a white envelope with a regular stamp. Although I had to tape around the envelope to make sure nothing felt out, it was the best business learning I experienced this year!Why I Filed My Own Business TaxIf you ever start a … [Read more...]
Project: Warhammer Underworlds Dice Calculator
What I did Full Stack Development This Underworlds Dice Calculator is the first interactive Django app I designed and wrote. I designed the UI (user interface), used Bootstrap 4 for the frontend and Django for the backend. It is deployed to and hosted on PythonAnywhere. Optimized for Speed Because this is meant to be a free app, I designed the data structure such … [Read more...]
My First Web App (Backend Web Development)
This simply website is my first web app. It's written in Python using the Django framework connected to a mySQL database. Seeing it live on the internet gave me a buzz about the same size as making it on BuzzFeed! That's another story for another day. A 2 Year Journey Over the last 8 years I have built many feature-rich Wordpress websites. Since 2016 I want to progress … [Read more...]