What I did
Full Stack Development
This Underworlds Dice Calculator is the first interactive Django app I designed and wrote. I designed the UI (user interface), used Bootstrap 4 for the frontend and Django for the backend. It is deployed to and hosted on PythonAnywhere.
Optimized for Speed
Because this is meant to be a free app, I designed the data structure such that the speed of the app is optimized on the very small resource of free hosting. This is accomplished by preloading the calculations into the application instead of performing the calculation as the user request comes in trading memory for computational speed.
Lynda.com Learning Path
I completed the Lynda.com Django developer learning path, and made this as a graduation project. The form interaction was beyond the scope of what the learning path covered.
I will be writing a review about my expiernece with the learning path in the future.
What the Project is About
Warhammer Underworlds is a popular board game in the Warhammer universe. Part of the game mechanism relies on each of the 2 opposing players rolling dice based on the specifications of the character they are playing. The probability of a successful attack is complex to calculate and depends on many factors, so a calculator is handy to predetermine these chances and helps the players make better moves.